Sunday, November 17, 2013

Oh My It's Late!

Sorry to keep you in suspense! I have been out and about all weekend enjoying the beautiful weather with my family!

This week in class we focused on improving our writing. The students worked on creating a piece of writing, conferencing with me to find places where they could revise and then actually making the revisions! Needless to say we were busy! I am going to use this post as a way to publish the work that some of the students have finished! If you do not see your child's work today look out for it next week!

"Lightning McQueen is racing. He loves to race all day long. He is happy to race. I like to race he said."

"This is a pinata. The pinata has candy."

"Mader is fast. He goes to a workshop! Mader is cold! Mader is a race car!"

"The haunted house is scary. Zombies are at the haunted house. On the haunted house is scare crows."

"The haunted house has skeletons and zombies."

"Doc had a happy day."

"This is a haunted house. There was ghosts inside. The spooky haunted house is crazy. I'm scared of the haunted house. There can't be more in the haunted house."

My love of Halloween may have rubbed off on a few of our writers! :)

Please tell your little writers what a wonderful job they are doing and encourage them to write at home! It is a wonderful idea for little ones to have their own journal at home to write in when ever they have the urge. Encourage them to write notes or letters to others, make lists for birthday wishes or things they need from the store or just to share their thoughts about their days! You'd be surprised by what their little minds think of!

I'll leave you with some shots of them in action!

-Mrs. Richardson
Re-Telling "Five Green and Speckled Frogs" on our stage at recess!

Working on editing sentences to become better writers!

Our wonderful teaching assistant Mrs. Joseph. Mrs. Joseph works very hard with our students everyday!

Remember!!! Our spelling tests (for K students) will now take place each Monday!

Remember to wear your college shirts this week in support of Education Go Get It Week!!


  1. A teacher website! how cool, my wife teaches kinder in Klein, I will show her this!


  2. Thanks for the comment! It's nice to know that people are seeing the great things we are doing! :) My husband also teaches in Klein- what a small world!- Mrs. Richardson
